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Winter is Upon Us

It is that time of year again. Actually it is my favorite time of year. The leaves are falling, frost on my windows, fireplaces crackling, warm kitchens filled with spices being baked and the fridge filled with winter warmer beers. I do not exactly love leaves falling or frost on my windows but I love what this time of year brings to the shelves. Deschutes Jubelale, Widmer Brrr, 21st Amendment Fireside Chat and one of my all time favorites Block 15 Figgy Pudding just to name a few. Every year the season brings so many of my favorites and I struggle to not buy all at once.

Deschutes Jubelale offers a nice cinnamon all spice flavor that can be paired with any dessert treat. Jubel pours a reddish copper color at 6.7% and 60 IBUs I find this to be a nice evening beer to be sipped on all throughout the night. This is my go to beer every year and most nights in the winter.

Widmer Brrr is actually a surprise to some of my friends. I don’t have anything against Widmer but this is one of the only beers I truly enjoy from them. Brrr pours a dark caramel color and at 7.2% 50 IBU Pine flavor hits you up front but smooths out to something sweeter. I like to enjoy this beer Friday nights when I have the next day off. Very easy to drink but dangerously sneaks up on you.

Block 15 Figgy Pudding is not considered a winter warmer but an english strong ale. This is the beer I look forward to and track the days until I get one. Figgy pours a roasty brown and one can quickly smell the figs. What I stress to those who try Figgy is let it sit and warm, flavors will start to come forward as it sits. Do not let this beer go to quickly. 11% and well worth waiting for.

Of course there are so many winter beers out there and I only touched on three. But these are the three I stand by every year. I do not like the holidays but I love the beer that comes with them.


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